You have the opportunity to build development and mentoring activities into this summer internship experience. It doesn’t need to be hard or even take a lot of time to have a big impact. Here are some ideas.

READ A BOOK TOGETHER… or parts of oneSet up a reading schedule, perhaps one chapter per week. Plan a regular time to discuss the content. In particular, talk about how the content relates to leadership, church ministry, and personal growth.Book ideas:
  • Irresistible (Andy Stanley) – This book explores what made faith in Jesus irresistible in the early church and how we can embrace this Jesus-centred approach.
  • Winning the War in Your Mind (Craig Groeschel). A practical approach for changing our thinking to be in alignment with God’s truth. As he says, our lives are moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts.
  • Crucial Conversations (Patterson, et al). Practical tools for how to have difficult conversations, especially when the stakes and emotions are high.
  • God In My Everything (Ken Shigematsu). Ken explains how the time-tested spiritual practice of the “rule of life” can help bring busy people into a closer relationship with God.



These videos are meant to be discussion starters. What in these videos do you agree with? Disagree with? How do these ideas relate to leadership in the church?

This is a list in progress. Do you have other suggestions to add? Send them to