As the internship comes to a close, you’ll want to end on a positive note. A final exit interview is a chance to get valuable feedback, as well as encourage your intern into their future.


  • Share the giftings you see in them.
  • Share what you feel they accomplished.
  • Describe the specific ways that their work added value to your ministry.
  • Share any areas where you feel they could continue to improve.


  • How did the job match your expectations?
  • Were your personal goals for the internship met? In what ways?
  • How did you feel about the level of responsibility that you were given?
  • What do you feel you accomplished and learned during this internship?
  • What did you enjoy most?
  • What did you enjoy least?
  • Did you feel that you had the resources and support that you needed?
  • Did we give you adequate feedback about your performance?
  • If you could make a change to your internship, what would you change?
  • What do you believe is the next step in your life, church ministry, and/or spiritual formation? How can we help you get there?
  • Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Do you have other suggestions to add? Send them to